
Controlled Server Demolition

April 28, 2016
linux, sysadmin, ops

Controller Server Demolition # 2016-04-28 Today I tasked with one of those jobs which don’t come up very often - shutting down a service for good. This particular retirement posed an interesting challenge though. As per usual, I wanted to make sure that all traces of customer data was wiped from the systems, and, indeed, any of our own keys/users/passwords and so on. The challenge was, though, that I only had ssh access to the systems. ...

An Empirical Study of SNI Support in Different HTTP Clients

October 5, 2013
https, sni, legacy, linux, sysadmin, ops, tls

An Empirical Study of SNI Support in Different HTTP Clients # 2013-10-05 There’s a bit of a chicken and egg situation inherent in the way that SSL works. This can make hosting multiple SSL domains/certs on the same host problematic. Before an SSL client can make a request it must handshake with the server to set up a secure connection. Part of the handshake process is the server presenting it’s SSL cert to the client. ...